Solar Gate Systems at Thames Valley Police Rural Crime Event

Posted on May 23, 2024 by Categories: Uncategorized

Solar Gate Systems were invited to attend the latest Rural Crime Event hosted by Thames Valley Police at the S.O.X brewery in South Oxon on Thursday 16th May. Attended by over 95 farmers, the event heard how Thames Valley Police are regarded as the blueprint for attacking rural crime in the U.K. with other Forces around the U.K. following their lead.

Naturally, having a secure, locked farm entrance gate was their first piece of advice to the farmers and landowners present. Other tips were to have What 3 Words locations of hot spots around the farm on a laminated sheet in all farm vehicles in the event of criminal activity so that Police resources can be directed straight to that spot, as well as W3W locations etched into gates on remote locations accessed by the public, such as the local Ridgeway, if they also see suspicious activity.

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