14ft wooden 5 bar gate installation for Solar Gate Systems

At Moat House Farm, Acton Trussell, Stafford on this smart new 14ft wooden 5 bar farm gate installation. You can see the distance down the drive from the nearest mains power supply so Farmer Anthony Lewis was delighted to have met Solar Gate Systems at last Winter’s English Fair in Stafford. “It’s just what I needed to allow me to keep my farm gate closed out of hours, without me doing anything!”
The gate is on a timer which opens at 5.55am and closes at 6.05pm so allowing the day’s busy traffic to the many small industrial units located on the farm uninterrupted access. Outside of these hours, the owners and key staff have their phone numbers stored in the GMT 200S system so allowing them 24 hour access.
“The solar powered system was a fraction of the cost of installing a mains supply to the gate and now I know that my gate is closed at night” he said.