Rural Crime Rises 5.6% in the South West, says NFU report

Posted on August 17, 2017 by Categories: Blog Posts, Uncategorized

Rural crime has risen again according to the latest report from NFU Insurance with being “staked out” the biggest worry for country people, followed closely by longer police response times in rural areas, it said.

It is no longer an option to have an open gate on your property with the Law of Trespass virtually consigned to history.
A closed gate, but preferably a locked gate, should be the minimum requirement. Few criminals will actually break in to a property to have a look around.

A padlock and chain is just not possible in a busy farm environment so what can you do? Solar Gate Systems have the solution. Using the latest state of the art solar technology with our scientifically researched 23 degree Winter Harvesting® panel brackets,and brushless 24volt digital gate motors, we can now ensure that your entrance gate is always closed and locked if needed, 24 hours a day, simply using solar power.

Using a range of opening systems to suit every working farm situation,such as remotes,keypads, timed push buttons, vehicle sensors and now mobile phone opening, you can have the full convenience of automation without the need to dig in expensive mains electric cabling thanks to free solar energy. With some users having well over 100 daily openings, solar gate systems have well and truly come of age.

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